W H O  W E  A R E

We are an innovative consultancy firm focused on establishing gender equality in the workplace. We help individual business areas build an inclusive culture that allows their employees to thrive to their highest potential.

Our clients are progressive and aspiring companies who are facing challenges in retaining and accelerating women to the path to leadership. We help them move towards a fairer, open minded perspective to diversify and successfully grow their talent pool.

At MEA, we believe gender diversity initiative efforts will only work when in conjunction with intrinsic change to company culture. We use organisational change management and behavioural design solutions to help our clients achieve excellence in talent and real diversity of thought. 

Anju Solanki, Founder and Lead Consultant

Prior to founding MEA Consulting, Anju gained 12 years of experience working within Investment Banking for Citigroup, Lloyds and Barclays where she successfully built her own franchise.

Having spent the majority of her career working on a trading floor, which demands women tap into their alpha personalities, Anju became increasingly passionate about the gender inequalities which women face, and this passion was further augmented when she became a mother.

Anju aspires for her daughter to grow up into a world in which organisations embrace female talent at all stages of a woman’s life. Anju has three sisters and was raised singly by her mother who dedicated her life to raising her four daughters, yet also achieved three universities degrees and worked all hours to support their dreams.

Anju believes ambitious and hardworking women are extraordinary assets to any team and organisation.

O U R  V A L U E S

We can only help you to the best of who we are ourselves, and what truly reflects our own values:


Core to everything we do is integrity
We act ethically and honestly to make a difference for our clients. We care about doing the right thing.


We have high standards
It has driven us in our previous careers and we expect nothing less as we strive for the best solutions possible for our clients.


We are passionate
We wake up every morning excited about what we do. We are committed to making the industry a better place for the future generations.